Journal Articles
Lowitt, K., Levkoe, C.Z., Dale, B., Dring, C., Gbejewoh, O., Glaros, A., Harrison, H.L., Knott, C., Loring, P.A., Mendly-Zambo, Z., Patterson, K., and Power, E. (2024). Advancing Basic Income as a Policy Tool for Food Systems Sustainability. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-13.
Dale, B. (2023). Food Sovereignty and Agroecology Praxis in a Capitalist Setting: The Need for a Radical Pedagogy. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(3): 851–878.
Dale, B. (2021). Food Sovereignty and the Integral State: Institutionalizing Ecological Farming. Geoforum, 127: 137–150.
Dale, B. and J. Sharma (2021). Feeding the City, Pandemic and Beyond: A Research Brief. Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies, 21(1): 88-93.
Laforge, J.M.L., B. Dale, C.Z. Levkoe, and F. Ahmed (2021). The Future of Agroecology in Canada: Embracing the Politics of Food Sovereignty. The Journal of Rural Studies, 81: 194-202.
Dale, B. (2020). Alliances for Agroecology: From Climate Change to Food System Change. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44(5): 629-652.
Kepkiewicz, L. and B. Dale (2019). Keeping ‘our’ Land: Property, Agriculture and Tensions between Indigenous and Settler Visions of Food Sovereignty in Canada. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(5): 983-1002.
Isaac, M.E., R. Isakson, B. Dale, C.Z. Levkoe, S. Hargreaves, V.E. Méndez, H. Wittman, C. Hammelman, J. Langill, A. Martin, E. Nelson, M. Ekers, K. Borden, S. Gagliardi, S. Buchanan, S. Archibald, A. Gálvez Ciani (2018). Agroecology in Canada: Towards an Integration of Agroecological Practice, Movement, and Science. Sustainability, 10,3299: 1-17.
Ekers, M., C.Z. Levkoe, S. Walker and B. Dale (2016). Will Work For Food: Agricultural Interns, Apprentices, Volunteers and the Agrarian Question. Agriculture and Human Values, 33(3): 705-720.

Book Chapters
Ruder, S-L., D. James, E. Bowness, T. Robin, and B. Dale. (2022). Canada’s Corporate Food Regime: The Prospects for a Just Transition. In J. Antony, W. Antony, and L. Samuelson (Eds.) Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues, Seventh Edition. Winnipeg and Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Dale, B. (2019). Farming Ecologically: The NFU in Ontario. In Desmarais, A.A. (ed.) Frontline Farmers: How the National Farmers Union Resists Agribusiness and Creates Our New Food Future. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing.
Dale, B. (2017). Food Sovereignty Struggles in Quebec: Co-optation and Resistance. In Desmarais, A.A., P. Claeys and A. Trauger (eds.) Public Policies for Food Sovereignty: Social Movements and the State. New York: Routledge.

Other Select Publications
Dale, B., R. Hébrard, and D. Cognard (2023). Vers l’autonomie alimentaire : Réflexions sur la Stratégie de croissance des serres du gouvernement du Québec. [Report], pp. 1-17.
Dale, B., M. Granger, and M. Anderson (2023). L’autonomie alimentaire n’est pas suffisante. Il faut viser un système alimentaire sain et juste. The Conversation.
Dale, B., M. Granger, and M. Anderson (2023). Local food is not enough — we need a sustainable transition in the food system. [Translation of article above] The Conversation.
Dale, B., A. Glaros, C. Holtslander, S. Klassen, G. Leblanc, C. Z. Levkoe, K. Lowitt, Z. Mendly-Zambo, and M. Shaw (2023). Agriculture Case for Basic Income. Coalition Canada, Basic Income.
Dale, B., M. Dipieri, M. Frechette, and H. Klemmensen (2021). Visions of the Food System to Come: Agriculture, Eating, and Ecological Justice in 2050. Feeding City Lab.